Odds on favorite to buy the farm
An interesting look at newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' peers:
Justice-----Appointed by-----Took Seat-----Born--------Law School
Breyer-----Clinton (D)-------08/03/94-----08/15/38----Harvard
Ginsburg---Carter (D)-------08/10/93-----03/15/33----Harvard
Kennedy---Reagan (R)-------02/18/88-----07/23/36----Harvard
O'Connor---Reagan (R)------09/25/81-----03/26/30----Stanford
Roberts----G.W. Bush (R)---09/29/05-----01/27/55----Harvard
Scalia------Reagan (R)------09/26/86------03/11/36----Harvard
Souter-----G.H.W. Bush (R)-10/09/90-----09/17/39----Harvard
Stevens----Ford (R)---------12/19/75------04/20/20----Northwestern
Thomas----G.H.W. Bush (R)-10/23/91-----06/23/48----Yale
Yes, it's true, Roberts is the only Justice born in the second half of last century. Ageless Mr. Stevens was born when Woodrow Wilson thought that the League of Nations was a really good idea. Justice is blind, and also really, really old.
Chances are there is a Vegas book taking odds on the next one to cross the River Styx.
Indeed it does, as I freely admit to being a full-fledged coffee snob, only occassionally outdone by my own inability to make the perfect drink, thus settling for the inferior.
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