Quick Hit- the Silence of the Candidates
Working in a news organization, I have the privilege of having TV's around my office. Frequently Bush & Kerry are featured on at least one screen. Unless something monumental is going on, we typically leave the sound down. Today, I was watching speeches of both Bush & Kerry and, since there was no sound, my entire perception was based on body language. Here is what I noticed:
Bush- he carries himself with the body language of a Gordon Gekko. There is a corporate swagger about him, as if he were pleading his case to a room full of shareholders. His hands are often held palms-upward, as if to ask, 'what's the problem?' His focus is also frequently upward as if, similar to Gekko, he was recounting his past successes so that he might be able to sway the shareholders of Teldar Paper to allow him to take over.
Kerry- he walks around the stage like a TV evangelist. His focus is frequently at eye level or down at the floor, as if he were overwhelmed by the shames of the world. He points downward, as if to convict people about their past choices. He even looks like a televangelist, with that silver hair helmet-like quaff and elongated posture. Add to that the fact that he looks like he took a bath in Orange-Glo, you can entirely see him throwing down fire & brimstone to get the congregation to repent and follow him into the promised land.
Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.
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