Dogburt the White
...One stage of the journey is over, another begins...
At last, at long last, my waiting has come to fruition. I have been pursuing a job at Bloomberg for a year now (Labor Day marks the one year aniversary) and after close to 10 interviews, the final one has finally come to pass and the offer has officially been extended and accepted. My start date will be 8/30.
I feel both relief, anxiety and excitement for the change. The change will be good but difficult. It will likely be a job harder than any I've faced in my professional life, but I've found out through my own personality that I need that kind of challenge or else I get bored. If my mind isn't fully engaged in what I'm doing, it becomes a challenge, not to do the job, but to be motivated to do it well. I believe this job is necessary for me at this point in my life to propel me to where I need to go.
The past few years have been difficult, as I have struggled along with the rest of the economy to make up ground on what I've lost in the economic downturn. I also had to struggle with economic uncertainty in a time when I was getting married and trying to establish sound footing for a new family. I do know this- God has always been faithful, has never allowed me and my family to be in need, and has santified me in ways that I could not have experienced apart from it.
A particular acknowledgement and shout out to my friends, and the Triangle. Without each of you, I would not have been able to survive these past few years. You each have aided me in ways far and beyond what you will ever know, or that I could even ever express. To that you have my gratitude and deepest thanks.
Congrads on getting your new job. I'm sure you'll be successful in the position you're in.
Congratulations on the job and the upcoming baby, not necessarily in that order.
As part of my quest to appear in every Blogger blog that uses the same design template design as mine, I say TAG!
You have been tagged. One more down, many hundreds to go.
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