Gmail chat is a glorious thing for discussing the most relevant debates in the history of the world.
In the red corner:
The Wire
Why it should win: it is the greatest police drama ever, and shows a love for the city of Baltimore, scars and all, that no other show would dare touch.
In the blue corner:
Veronica Mars
Why it should win: it is the greatest high school film noir dramedy ever, and fosters an unhealthy crush on a 5 foot blonde pixie.
The character discussion between myself and Mr. Marinara:
9:36 AM Matt: Who would win weevil vs marlo?
Mano y mano
9:37 AM me: I think I would have to go with Marlo. Weevil fights dirty, but he never demonstrated that he'd be willing to take a life
Matt: Next question
PCHers vs Marlos Crew
me: same thing
9:38 AM PCHers - they're hoodlums but not murderers. Chris Partlow is one bad mofo
Matt: Marlow vs Logans dad
9:39 AM me: lol
9:40 AM I think I'll go with Aaron Echols' extensive experience on that one. plus he would know how to cover it up and then seduce Snoop.
Matt: Dick Casablancas vs mr pryzbo
me: which Pryzbo? the one in S3, or the one in S5?
9:41 AM Matt: S1
me: Dick would walk all over him
but I bet Pryzbo would like to hang out with Beaver
9:42 AM Matt: Rawls vs sheriff lamb
9:43 AM me: Rawls might try to seduce him too
and Rawls knows how to survive. Lamb got taken out with a baseball bat
Matt: Keema vs veronica
me: don't toy with my emotions like that
9:44 AM Matt: Fine
me: with any luck Keema would try to seduce Veronica. everyone wins.
Matt: Keith mars vs McNulty
9:45 AM me: Keith. McNulty wouldn't be sober enough, and he's never shown a penchant for knuckling up
Matt: Veronica vs freemon
9:46 AM Who is the better detective
me: Freemon. he's the man. but Veronica is on her way.9:53 AM Pryzbo vs Mac
9:54 AM Matt: Mac she drives a better car
me: yes, this is true. although, now that I think about it, they BOTH got locked out of their cars! Donut sprung Pryzbo, Veronica sprung Mac
Matt: Wallce v Bubbles
me: Wallace. he never lets you down.
Matt: Beaver vs Randy
9:56 AM me: Beaver, pre-S5 Wire
Matt: Vinny Van Low vs Herc
me: oh gosh, 2 loathsome characters
9:57 AM which has seen seedier sights? a private dick, snapping money shots, or Herc, who has seen the Mayor's private dick?
9:58 AM I'll go with Vinny. he's not as dumb.
9:59 AM Matt: logan vs fruit
10:00 AM me: Logan. he knows how to cover his sexual escapades better
10:01 AM Matt: Bunny vs the crafty dean elias
10:02 AM me: Bunny would win on principles, but would get fired in the end
10:05 AM Matt: here is a good one
Pearlman vs Cliff McCormack
10:06 AM me: lol
Cliff would even admit that he's no match for Ronny
10:07 AM Stringer Bell vs Jake Kane
Matt: thats funny
i was just typing it out
me: lol
Matt: this is tough
10:08 AM me: both know how to get things done, are business enterprisers, and have underlings to do the dirty work.
10:09 AM Matt: because season 1, i would have to go with stringer because he has weebay as muscle
10:10 AM but Clarence Wiedman is one tough dude
so here is one
the fighting fitzpatricks vs the Greeks crew
10:12 AM me: lol
I love the fighting Fitzpatricks
10:13 AM but they're no match for the Greeks. they'd get their feet cut off.
10:15 AM Matt: and their heads
and their hands
10:19 AM Cyrus O'Dell vs Valchek
me: Valcheck is a cockroach, he would know how to survive anything
10:20 AM and he might finally get his stained glass window hung in the church as well
10:21 AM Matt: here is a tough one
10:22 AM Baby Mama(De'Londa Brice) vs Mindy O'Dell
10:24 AM me: I'm gonna go with Mindy O'Dell on this one. DeLonda acts tough, but in the end has no real strength and just mooches off of others.
Matt: fine10:40 AM Brianna vs Celeste Kane
10:41 AM me: oooh, now that's a good one.
10:42 AM I'm gonna go with Brianna, b/c while Celeste is manipulative and vindictive, it is clear that Brianna serves as half the brains of the original Barksdale operation. She and Stringer were the brains, Avon was the fear, Weebay was the muscle
10:43 AM Matt: Clarence Wiedman vs Omar
10:44 AM me: well, they'd never actually face off against each other. Wiedman would chase Omar, and Omar would pilfer Kane's software and then offer to sell the engineering back to him at a hefty surcharge.
10:47 AM Matt: Here is the absurd
Pizz v Prop Joe
10:49 AM me: I guess that's about as good as any Prop Joe match-up. Pizz would try to whack him with his guitar, but Joe would offer him the proposition to instead go and whack Logan.
10:50 AM Matt: Woody Goldman vs Clay Davis
(this will be the last one)
10:52 AM me: Woody gets about a 9.7 on the creepy factor. Clay would blackmail him on his young boy fetish and milk him for lunch money at Bo Brooks
10:56 AM Matt: that is blog worthy but it no longer fits on the house of marinara
put it on the sustain
10:58 AM me: fo sho
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